Thursday, April 21, 2011

Idol Results

These opening numbers on Idol need to stop. Am I the only one who thinks these group performances are just painful to listen to? Stefano went home. No real surprise.

1 comment:

  1. T wanted me to clarify that this is Matt speaking and not her...Have you ever or will you ever vote for one of the idols? I haven't. I am a fan of the show but to be honest, I don't care enough to spend $.01 to send a text message. So the question is, do I honestly really care who wins? If I did, I think I would vote. I actually don't really care what the judges say. I like what the music producers say before each idol performs. I think having the professional music producers this year was a good move...
    And as for the group performances - I usually like them but this weeks was the worst I've ever heard.
